
Dairetrou Vous Crea’torma

  もし私が誰かに共同編集者になってもらい、私の物語全体のアイデアを共有してもらうとしたら、友人や個人的に親しい人、あるいは投票システムを通じて誰かに頼むだろう。 しかし、"信頼 "するのは簡単ではない。詐欺師はどこにでもいる。というわけで、理想的な共同編集者が見つかったら、ギャラは半額かゼロにするしかないのだが......。 今日は2024年8月12日。 もし私が単独で提携編集者を獲得した場合、事前に相手に謝り、ギャラを半額かゼロにしてでも手を引くチャンスを与えるかもしれない。 もうひとつ恐れているのは、多くの日本人は英語を知らないし、多くの英語話者は日本語を知らない......ということだ。だから逆に、文化的に無神経な話になってしまうのでは......と危惧しています。 もうひとつ恐れているのは、作品中のくだらないことに集中しすぎて(脱線はADHDの一部だと感じている...)、脱線したときに本題に戻れなくなり、この物語が意味のないものになってしまうことだ。 とはいえ、楽しんでいただければ幸いである(アカツキの話は漫画の方が説明しやすい気がするが、こちらの方がよく書けている)! If I were to ask someone to be a co-editor and share my entire story idea, I would ask someone through a friend, someone close to me personally, or through a voting system. But “trust” is not easy. There are con artists everywhere. So when I find the ideal co-editor, I have no choice but to cut my fee in half or zero. ...... Today is August 12, 2024. If I find an exclusive editor, I might apologize in advance and give him a chance to back out, even if it means cutting his fee in half or

Localization Restrictions + Update!

  To address this as simply as I can. This is in reply to incidents within the localization commute. できるだけ簡単に説明しよう。これはローカライズコミット内での事件への対応です。 This is a formal restriction notice, it is temporary, and should warrant no malice towards any people wishing to apply for translation for the story in the future, I love you all and want to be safe with whom I hire. これは正式な制限の通知であり、一時的なものであり、将来この物語を翻訳したいと希望する人を悪者にすることを意図したものではありません。 I will want to keep all stories original towards their purposes, be it a transphobic thing, is written for purpose of the point this story points out.  トランスフォビアであろうと、この物語が指摘する目的のためであろうと, この物語が指摘する目的のために書かれたものである。 It will talk about uncomfortable things I do not agree with, and issues in everyday life others won't as well. It is your problem? Idiot, that's the point of the character and my work.  私が同意しない不快なことや、他の人が同意しないような日常生活の問題についても語るだろう。それが問題? アホか、そこがこのキャラクターと私の作品のポイントなんだよ。 Now, with people, cancel culture, within which, changing English into Japanese (and in

Just found this out

 " How much can you earn through YouTube Shorts monetization? Unfortunately, the earnings from YouTube Shorts are – at least so far – not spectacular. The consensus among YouTube Shorts creators is that revenue per thousand views (RPM) is coming in around  $0.05 to $0.07 . That's about $50 to $70 for a million views."  Vs  " Content creators receive approximately 55% of the revenue generated on their channels, which means that for every $100 an advertiser spends, Google pays $55 to the creator. On average, a YouTuber earns around $0.018 for each view, which amounts to $18 for every 1,000 views."

Dairy of the Crea'tormatch: Till The Sky Falls Down

A dairy: 1. VA/Artists/Publishers, A Promised Pay, Your Receiving Plan. When some voice actors/over, and artists are eventually hired. (EVENTUALLY)   I always promise that money will be given later, but... when a project does fail. I am sure that  cannot ALWAYS make this promise, as I do not have money to pay these people. (at the moment.) The promise is; "they/you will be paid at a later date, if you do not agree with this, you are free to leave the project and the time when money is achieved, you will be paid ???" Those who are working under me are paid by the sales of who are buying this story once an official publisher can publish and we can make some money from this. Once money is given to us as a team, it will be split into how many Artists, and how many VAs, with some going to me. Split up in cash on the lines of "How many people do we need per chapter." Note: All people on the team may receive X amount of money. (X being of how many Voice Actors, Artists, a


Name of Creature: The Manta Ray Class: Øragör Type, Humanity Destruction Based.  Location Found: Baltic Sea, Left hand corner of said sea.  An Øragör, an irregular species conquering lands for a better life, coming from another world then ours. This type of creature uses the swirling spots on its back, shining certain colors, to influx a hypnotic memetic to influence its prey to come closer. Appears as a manta ray, but has around no similar appearance to the creature it tries to name itself.  All Øragör’s have all but one thing in common, a single blood red eye. It was first seen at near Ireland’s port cities, seeming to drag a body in its beak. Seeing it was a whale, it then was seen eating the whale from the inside out, it naturally devoured the heart of the creature and swallows the rest of the body, through a hooked beak on some lower area, the beak is located nearing the center where a small tail is.  The fins have no spots for hypnotism to make. But the back of the creature has a

The Final Piece of the Puzzle

You win! You win! You win! You win! You win! You win! You win! You win! You win! You win! You win! You win! You win! You win! You win! You win! You win! You win! You win! You win! You win! You win! You win! You win! You win! You win! You win! You win! You win! You win! You win! You win! You win! You win! You win! You win! You win! You win! You win! You win! You win! You win! You win! You win! You win! You win! You win! You win! You win! You win! You win! You win! You win! You win! You win! You win! You win! You win! You win! You win! You win! You win! You win! You win! You win! You win! You win! You win! You win! You win! You win! You win! You win! You win! You win! You win! You win! You win! You win! You win! You win! You win! You win! You win! You win! You win! You win! You win! You win! You win! You win! You win! You win! You win! You win! You win! You win! You win! You win! You win! You win! You win! You win! You win! You win! You win! You win! You win! You win! You win! You win! Y