Dairetrou Vous Crea’torma



しかし、"信頼 "するのは簡単ではない。詐欺師はどこにでもいる。というわけで、理想的な共同編集者が見つかったら、ギャラは半額かゼロにするしかないのだが......。






If I were to ask someone to be a co-editor and share my entire story idea, I would ask someone through a friend, someone close to me personally, or through a voting system.

But “trust” is not easy. There are con artists everywhere. So when I find the ideal co-editor, I have no choice but to cut my fee in half or zero. ......

Today is August 12, 2024.

If I find an exclusive editor, I might apologize in advance and give him a chance to back out, even if it means cutting his fee in half or to absolutely zero.

Another thing I fear is that many Japanese do not know English and many English speakers do not know Japanese. I fear that will happen.

Another fear is that I will concentrate too much on the nonsense in the piece (I think derailing is part of ADHD ・・・・・・), and when I derail, I won't be able to get back to the main point and this story will be pointless.

Nevertheless, I hope you enjoy it (the Akatsuki story would be better explained in comic form, but it's better written here)!



2 Note: 

“If you were to ask me what the theme of Akatsuki is, it’s of a journey Ive been working on, which is “how to understand yourself” or “how to define your existence.”


"自分の見つけ方 "と "自分の生きる理由の正当な裏付けの見つけ方"

As for Akira’s theme, it’s more of, “how you use  justice to become hidden” or a “guide to be a vigilante.”


Even if Akatsuki’s theme is alike to mine, he isn’t me. 

Akatsuki is not the average me, and if he is, he is a complete jerk...

I once made fun of a guy and his girlfriend in a media class. I am embarrassed and regret it.

During this class, I had thought, "That girl doesn't deserve him." And, "That man/girl should die." I hated them, and thought the same of them to me. Thinking that, “They don't want to go down that road, I'm going to make a fool out of them for the rest of my life... " I thought.

I can see now that I am not good at reading the air, talking to people, and I am a phone addict. ・・・・・・

この授業中、"あの女の子は彼にふさわしくない "と思ったことがある。そして、"あの男/女は死ぬべきだ "と。私は彼らが嫌いだった。"彼らはそんな道に進みたくないんだ、私は彼らを一生馬鹿にするんだ... "と思った。



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