Dairy of the Crea'tormatch: Till The Sky Falls Down

A dairy:

1. VA/Artists/Publishers, A Promised Pay, Your Receiving Plan.

When some voice actors/over, and artists are eventually hired. (EVENTUALLY)  

I always promise that money will be given later, but... when a project does fail. I am sure that cannot ALWAYS make this promise, as I do not have money to pay these people. (at the moment.)

The promise is; "they/you will be paid at a later date, if you do not agree with this, you are free to leave the project and the time when money is achieved, you will be paid ???"

Those who are working under me are paid by the sales of who are buying this story once an official publisher can publish and we can make some money from this. Once money is given to us as a team, it will be split into how many Artists, and how many VAs, with some going to me. Split up in cash on the lines of "How many people do we need per chapter."

Note: All people on the team may receive X amount of money. (X being of how many Voice Actors, Artists, and Producers, and the owner.) Some pay goes to me, some to the artists, voice actors, and publishers. 

If I hired someone to pay these people, and they are not paid, I will personally pay these people myself. 

Of what could be their own pay starting off, as this probably will not be a big thing, most won't be making nearly enough starting off, but we'll see how much comes in to pay them for their services, I'm going to do test publishing on Twitter to see what the audience thinks.

When I do hire artists, two teams will be made. 

There will be some to draw the human characters only, and some to draw the Sacred Weapon in their human forms. 

The Marks have certain measurements that have to be drawn in and can be done by artists, and inclusiveness is something I DEEPLY want for these artists being paid nothing at the moment. The same promise will be made for them for pay.

I feel like as of now, voice actors are somewhat not needed. As starting off, this will be a story sold to a select few. Once it gets headway and gets wanted attention. I MIGHT hire voice actors. (Ray Chase, I am hiring you.)

2. AI Artists/VA/NFT. 

(I will not hire or allow this to occur.)

Obviously, we will absolutely not hire Artificial Intelligences, or use Ai to voice anything.

We will hire real artists and VA's. 

I feel the only usage AI will be used for is concept... but we as a society use it for the reasons not legal. We find a back door and we take the worst outcome.

Ai is for a concept only, a basic, "This is a look at what I want the finished product to be, what you, the REAL artists should get a feeling of what to draw."

All AI used in this will be used to get an understanding of what I want a character to look like, a make something off of it. Any Ai Art will not be a finished product. 

I will most likely use Waifu Labs made by Sigizi.

3. Audience Understanding of the Story: Topics.

Services that offer any translation are not "accurate"
Sometimes not at all of such is online.

But, when my translation isn't accurate, and the overseas people, in China, or Japan, can't read the story in the Kanji, or Chinese letters... will they find me racist? What will I do? 

Accepting that I may get this, I have to say, please understand that I am working with limited technology and services online to translate other languages, it may not be accurate. 

I don't know if I WILL be getting my point across once an overseas publisher is able to read the book. 

I know what I can do, which is just to hire a translator, but I'm scared to be seen as racist, since I don't have money at this moment, I can't do so to hire one at all. And when writing a biography of a character. I try and get into the culture of the country, look up names, and items, use translation services, manually split up characters, and make something that is synonymous with the character, some names are simple jokes but can be misunderstood. 

(An example is the Agara family, they are just a play on the A-Z words, just putting "yo" Kyo, Zyo, Ayo, Lyo, ETC.)

I don't know what I can do to just get across "The Fist of so-so" or "So-So might slash your spleen" in Japanese with DeepL. (Though it should be free as a service for how "accurate" it is.) It also hasn't become a hassle to work on this story, nor has become a stressful thing to work on, but when some translation can put confusion on it something or less, I worry about my little knowledge of Japanese, and the stress of a MAJOR project like Till The Sky Falls Down when it comes to overseas people reading this is hanging over my head.

4. An Audience. Edits. Potential Criticism, and Anime Adaptation.

With most stories comes the fanbase, and from it, there will be drama. 
I have chosen to not allow any of this to come to be, with a watchful eye, fans of these things get into any drama, it will be immediately closed off to grow.

I feel as if you will act like a critic, draw porn of my works. You will accept reason that I do and don't not want connection to you, I want something, but it isn't going to be anything that puts this work down, 

There is a line of acceptable ways to criticize, some are not wise to say, but all of it is acceptable to give.
There is a line, and it should not be crossed with just "the author should just take my word for it." 

Edits into shorts would be... not good if an anime comes out. So it is a no to anyone idolizing a character, and wanting shorten the episode down with them in it. 

Yes, the story will go with topics that are not family-friendly, yes, some characters will do some dark things. That's what I WANT you to see, the truth of the world isn't so happy.

I don't feel like I want people to claim they feel "relatable" to a character, and that certainly, while I'd thank you for your insight into your personality, that isn't what I want you to feel. 

I want a character to be something and someone you can't understand. I want you to question their motives, likes, and theorize things to others, but don't go off the deep end.

I don't want you to feel empathic towards a villain. I want you to question their villainy. 

Do what I did, ask what I questioned when writing them. 

"What is a villain/hero?"

If I want a character you would absolutely despise. Then, I will make them something I would hate, and pressure you to hate them. 

Thursday, January 25, 2024.

I haven't really shared much of the inspirations for the story... 

Perhaps, I would say Nasu-san's Fate Series, is a big inspiration for most of the fight scenes. 


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