Peljunta's Wandering Ones

 The world of Peljunta is very very vast. But, the world becomes corrupted by something. The Jointed have become corrupted by an unknown force, or forces. But I am Perua, a traveler that came to this land to write an essay on the creatures.

In my travels, there is one enemy that always gives me... odd signals about it. The people call them, the Ingalmot. What an odd name.

But... its serpentine and snake like, with joints inside their tails. Some say they have healing properties. I don't believe them. They're cursed to wander these lands. 

The next one, I've seen, is... strange. It's a human with a mask on it. I think it was called Kathnal? It seems like it has no mind to have and wanders everywhere, slugging a sword behind it. The first one I saw noticed me and tried to kill me! 

I will give you more updates. I'm not sure if I'll live another day here. My gear isn't so safe, but my sword is mighty.

I found another creature, this time… it was more of a legendary one. Its name is The Hate, this draconic creature is born from a massive surge of hatred from somewhere. Perhaps from heaven or some god. It only wants to kill, and kill, and kill.


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